About Us

Launched on 29th November 2008, the SAI FREIGHT SOLUTION SDN BHD has used its local expertise to cross international waters and serve an excellent expanding global market.

SAI FREIGHT SOLUTION SDN BHD possesses many years of experience catering to the logistic needs of both the local and international scene. Covering wide area of specialties, we offer our services in freight forwarding on land, air and sea. It has established numerous local and regional branches to serve the growing market.

Having established ourselves as traditional freight forwarders, our key objective focus is always to ensure as Delivering with Passion which is also our key growth area! In recent years, we have expanded our range of services including cargo insurance, haulage (trucking) services and many other industry related services.

Always on the lookout for additional ways to meet the needs of our customers, we have expanded or formed new companies to complement our existing business and to add a new dimension to the services we can offer.

We deliver the best logistics solutions internationally. We make sure our customers are feeling utmost best of our service, to maintain customer’s extensive range of services at competitive price, keep them highly impressive via our valuable delivery!

Fortified by the highly demanding nature of the business, we have built up into a total global logistics provider involved in the following activities: International Freight Forwarding / NVOCC Operation, Sea Freighting, Air Freighting, Customs Brokerage (Forwarding Sea / Air), Break-Bulk, Cargo Insurance, FCZ Banded and Non-banded Warehousing, Transshipment, Application of various Import / Export Trade Permits and Licenses, Rent Use Containers & Office Cabin kind of Value Added Services!

Corporate Profile


"To be a strategic partner to our valued customer – to become an extension of their Logistic Department.”


"To make customers happy with total logistics solutions that are all on time, Delivering with Passion will be our mission for entire journey customer gets engaged with us!"